Dairy Free Ice Cream!

Creamy, fluffy, and rich custard ice cream

FREE of dairy and refined sugar but FULL of flavor

This is my go-to ice cream base. I've tried making dairy free ice cream without egg yolks, but it just really lacks the cream factor and usually ends up icy. This recipe uses two cans of full fat coconut milk, but it really doesn't impart a dominant coconut flavor. The best part about making your own ice cream is being able to control the ingredients - both those listed on the container and those WITHIN the container. Did you know that the chemicals within packaging can leach into the product within? So, if you're buying ice cream in plastic containers, that ice cream likely contains the hormone-disrupting plasticizing compounds implemented into the package! Gross. 

So creamy and delicious! 

I love ice cream. When I was a little girl, I'd trick my divorced parents into getting me ice cream twice in one night. After dinner at my dad's house, I'd ask to get ice cream - a big cup of vanilla with rainbow sprinkles. So many sprinkles that it would shock the people who worked at the ice cream store. I'd scarf it on the way back to his house. Then, my mom would come pick me up, and I'd cleverly ask for ice cream. We'd go to a different place, of course, so my cover wouldn't be blown. I'd get the same thing... "Would you like some ice cream with those sprinkles?" This vanilla ice cream base recipe certainly mixes well with rainbow sprinkles, let me tell ya. PS: I buy my sprinkles in bulk, in cardboard containers here.

It goes really well with rainbow sprinkles, and on top of my rocky road brownies.

  • 2 cans full fat coconut milk
  • 1/3 cup monk fruit (or coconut sugar)
  • 3 tbsp maple syrup
  • 10 drops liquid stevia 
  • 1 tbsp vanilla bean paste (or vanilla extract, or vanilla beans scraped in from pod)
  • pinch of salt
  • 6 egg yolks
  1. Add coconut milk, monk fruit, maple syrup, stevia, and salt to a large pot and whisk together.
  2. Heat on medium until sugar dissolves. 
  3. Whisk egg yolk in a bowl and slowly add 1 cup of warm cream mixture while whisking. 
  4. Pour back into pot and stir constantly until mixture reaches about 170F or it’s thick enough to coat the back of a spoon. 
  5. Once ready, pour mixture through a strainer to remove any cooked yolk residue. 
  6. Chill in a glass jar for at least 4 hours or overnight before adding to ice cream maker. 
Use this recipe as a base for other flavors!
  • Vanilla can be replaced with cinnamon, mint, lemon, lime
  • Replace one of the cans of coconut milk with a fruit puree 
  • Add candied nuts
  • Use all but 1/2 cup of the coconut milk and replace with chocolate sauce, Nutella, caramel, etc.
Let me know how you customize it! 
