Products and Resources *constantly updating*

My go-to low impact products and where to find them!

Local resources:

EcoNowCA at The Lab Anti Mall in Costa Mesa, CA
Bring Your Own in Long Beach
Mother's Market has a bulk section with refill for maple syrup
Sprouts Market has a bulk food section with many nuts and seeds and candies
Fill Up Buttercup in Costa Mesa is an entire store of bulk refills for household items!

Online Resources:

Food Stuff
Artisana nut butters - glass jars and plastic-free packaging
McEvoy Ranch organic CA olive oil
Culina coconut yogurt
Hive Brands has a lot of sustainable options - not a perfect plastic-free site but doing fairly well. They don't use plastic packaging in their shipments so that is good! for bulk orders 5-10lb bags
Protein Powders
Blueland is my absolute favorite - I use their laundry detergent and dish soap. They also sell starter kits with beautiful glass bottles and soap concentrates packaged in compostable packaging.
Bon Ami cleaner
Bulk white vinegar
No Tox Life dish soap block
Bottle brush for cleaning jars, bottles, and blenders!

Oral Hygiene
